TabMo teams with DoubleVerify to boost Euro advertisers’ media quality

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TabMo teams with DoubleVerify to boost Euro advertisers’ media quality

Post by king3 »

TabMo teams with DoubleVerify to boost Euro advertisers’ media quality

Digital media measurement, data and analytics software provider DoubleVerify (DV) has announced a partnership with mobile-first, cross-channel advertising platform TabMo integrating fraud, brand safety, contextual and viewability capabilities with its Hawk DSP platform.
Hawk double verify 23Oct2020
As a result of the integration, brands will be able to authenticate and target the inventory available on Hawk’s DSP using DV’s pre-bid data – enhancing viewable ad delivery, helping to ensure brand safety and suitability, and reducing the risk of fraud. In addition to TabMo customers gaining integrated access to DV’s pre-bid quality segments, the partnership will see capabilities expand to include DV’s Authentic Brand Safety targeting segment, and at a later date, integrated metrics and Custom Contextual.

The partnership will also let brands execute contextual targeting within their campaigns, and is intended to assist advertisers with compliance with global initiatives like GDPR.

“Integrating DV's comprehensive media quality targeting solutions into the Hawk platform will be transformational for the advertising ecosystem,” said Steven Woolway, EVP business development at DoubleVerify. “By using our integrated tools, advertisers can marry TabMo's premium inventory access with the unparalleled insight and controls that DV solutions offer – driving ROI and advertising effectiveness for the world's largest advertisers.

A key TabMo partner is IPG’s addressable media activation and solutions agency, Matterkind. The company’s UK product and strategy manager Yasmin Andrews noted that TabMo’s integration of DoubleVerify within Hawk as another brand safety partner, would provide the firm with added choice and control over the technology being applied.

“One of our key responsibilities is to ensure that advertising content only ever appears within brand safe and relevant environments. TabMo's DSP, Hawk, enables us to accurately target specific audiences across connected channels and mobile devices,” she said. “[The integration] strengthens the all-important viewability and brand safety measures we can offer our clients. Access to DV’s contextual targeting tool is another bonus, giving us more control over the content and context in which our clients' adverts are being seen.”
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