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advancedeventlibrary 1.0 r64

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2020 2:39 pm
by sanjay kumar
advancedeventlibrary 1.0 r64
- Fixed display errors in the planners
- Key assignment green / blue - Timer / switching swapped in the planners
- kexmap.xml taken from @schomi
- Converter AdvancedEventLibraryNextEvents now also works in the IB and SIB. with source = "session.extEvent_Now"
- Timers that are created in the planners are only created after confirmation in the timer editor.
- The event lists of the planners remain at the current position after creating a timer and do not jump back to position 1.
- Font colors of all AEL EPG lists can be defined via color definition in the skin.