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Easy BlindScan

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2022 8:47 am
by Gohel Manish
[Windows] EBSpro Release Candicate v18.0.0.2 (changelog) – Jun 3, 2022 – NEW!
> (RC) [3 jun 2022]

- Improved first load time for big databases.
- Reworked how reports are loaded from db (also bugfixing)
- Show and store channels names in blindscan list when sidepanel is in use.
- Added a link to open streamreader.ini to fine tune some option if is needed.
- Added a workaround 'Raw data handling (no use internal filter)' just for experiments and debug.
- Add Wait-0 automatically when setting up an USALS system or Diseqc 1.2 (you can delete if you don't want to use it).
- Reset blindscan result sort by default before new blindscan.
- Improved TS Grabber behavior and small fixes.
- Improvements in Circular Left/Right handling.
- Improved max SNR reset/detection/algo.
- Check TEI status for validate TS packets in Filters handling.
- Fixes in the internal TS handling for some devices that makes stream unstable.
- Fixes and better support for S2X.
- Fixed LOF value not set under certain scenarios, so can show wrong freq values.
- Fixed Blindscan crash if blindscan list is sort and sidepanel is in use.
- Fixed odd/even k*y handling for CSA and small improvement handling k*ys.
- Fixed TSA timeout problem.
- Fixed issue with the signal lost for vertical band after diseqc 1.2 commands.
- Fixed TCP network issues after second connection.
- Fixed a small costmetic bug with Modulation and rollof.
- Fixed video playing issue with chroma subsampling (need test!)
- Sync_counter fixed.
- General small fixes and improvements.

TSA specific (

- Fixes. ... .0.0.2.exe
