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[Plugin] Obacht

Posted: Sat May 07, 2022 9:04 am
by Gohel Manish
Obacht [Beta]

Oberhesse wrote
This plugin reminds you by a short text insertion of upcoming programs that are broadcast regularly and within fixed time windows (e.g. Tagesschau, heute, RTL Aktuell).
In contrast to the system timer, Obacht displays the notice only temporarily, i.e. it does not have to be confirmed or removed via remote control. The duration, size, position, font and color are configurable.
For each program a lead time can be set: For example, if 30 seconds of lead time and 5 seconds of duration are set for the Tagesschau, the message "Tagesschau" is displayed from 19:59:30 to 19:59:35.
For programs with occasionally changing times (e.g. heute Journal), an EPG check is possible so that time shifts or program cancellations are taken into account.
Without EPG usage, Obacht can also be used for other reminder purposes.

Thanks Oberhesse


Re: [Plugin] Obacht

Posted: Thu May 12, 2022 10:17 am
by Gohel Manish
v.0.0.4 Beta (as of 11/05/2022)
- Bug fix for EPG detection
- Sound support

Thanks Oberhesse
