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Windows 11: migration from Windows 7 may be free..

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2021 8:51 am
by sanjay kumar
A configuration file found in the build of Windows 11, which has leaked online, suggests that Microsoft's next OS will be offered for free as an update.

In a few days, on June 24, Microsoft will present the new version of its operating system.

Announced by Satya Nadella as the most important Windows update of the last ten years, the next version of Windows may already have many secrets to reveal.

And for good reason, a build of what appears to be the next Windows has leaked online, allowing the whole world to discover what our PCs will look like under Windows 11 .

While waiting for it to be officially presented by Microsoft, the hackers looked at this build and made an interesting discovery:

Windows 11 would be offered as a free update, for all machines running Windows 7, Windows 8 / 8.1 and Windows 10, provided they have a legitimate license.

In any case, this is what the Pkeyconfig file (Product Key Configuration Package) suggests, in which a configuration key to this effect was found.

Users of older versions of Windows could therefore update their aging operating system for free using the official migration tools offered by Microsoft .

This is not very surprising, since this is already what Microsoft offered with Windows 10 . If the Redmond firm had indicated that it would limit the duration of this free migration originally, it seems that it is still functional at the time of this writing.

By offering its new OS in free migration, Microsoft could largely encourage Windows 10 users to switch to Windows 11, but above all push the last recalcitrant still under Windows 7, to update their computer.

Because if Windows 10 remains at the top of the most used operating systems with 60% of market share, Windows 7, whose support ended in January 2020 , still represents nearly 22% of market share, and Windows 8 and 8.1 just over 3% between them...