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Microsoft will soon kill off Windows 10 November 2019 Update

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 3:46 pm
by Pankajdansalia92
Microsoft will soon kill off Windows 10 November 2019 Update
Version 1909 won’t be supported as of May 11 Windows 10 on a laptop
Windows 10 November 2019 Update users are now being pushed to upgrade to a more recent version of Microsoft’s operating system, before version 1909 (as it’s also known) is no longer supported.

As Windows Latest highlighted, those still on the November 2019 Update are receiving a message to say: “Your version of Windows 10 will reach end of service soon. Click to download a newer version of Windows 10 to stay supported.”

The newer update is flagged in the taskbar (system tray, on the right) and should be ready and waiting to be actioned under Windows Update, with the October 2020 Update being the likely upgrade offered to such users (the most recent one), or possibly the May 2020 Update (depending on your exact hardware configuration and any potential issues therein).

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Support for the November 2019 Update comes to an end on May 11, so we only have just under two months to go before the road runs out on keeping this version of the OS updated.

In short, if you haven’t made the leap from the November 2019 Update yet, then you’re going to have to do so imminently – but at least safe in the knowledge that the more recent feature updates are thoroughly bedded in and well-tested at this point (indeed, a new Windows 10 update, the first one of 2021, is fairly close, and rumored to arrive in May, in fact).