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Türksat 8K channel closed...

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 9:19 am
by sanjay kumar
this year excluded recent tests of Türksat 8K channel from Türksat 4B satellite (50 ° E). Tests of this channel began in 2018, first on the Türksat 3A satellite (42 ° E), and then on the Türksat 4B satellite (50 ° E), including changing the transmission parameters, which improved the quality. Türksat 8K was the first 8K (7680x4320) channel to be broadcasted regularly in Europe.

The transmission was originally implemented in DVB-S2 with 32APSK modulation (this is the first 8K channel available in Europe with 32APSK modulation) and an error correction ratio of 3/4. The FEC was then increased to 4/5. This resulted in slightly weaker error correction and hence a stronger signal (larger antenna) was required for reception. With FEC 3/4, the reception limit was about 12.73 dB C / N (in ideal conditions). FEC 4/5 requires 13.64 dB. At the end of 2020, the FEC was changed to 2/3, so the C / N ratio dropped to about 11.5 dB.

Türksat 8K was the first regular 8K satellite channel in this part of the world, the first to use 32APSK modulation, and the first to surpass 125 Mbps for video only.

It seems that it is because of the coronavirus pandemic that further tests of the 8K channel were abandoned. The 8K transmission should have been initiated by the Tokyo 2021 Olympic Games because the development of ultra-high definition television (4K and 8K) will also suffer....