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Streamlinkproxy Python3 Plugin..

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2023 8:57 am
by sanjay kumar
Streamlinkproxy Python3 Plugin..01/07/2023

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This plugin allows you to get links to videos from various video hosting and streaming services. The plugin is 99% of the project and can be used both on its own and as an "add-on" for the [Plugin] E2m3u2bouquet... The plugin will work on any Python3-based images, provided that the dependencies required by the streamlink "library" are present on the feed

p.s. tested on OpenBH 5.2, OpenPli dev, OpenATV 7.3, OpenSPA 8.1 ... And yes, I know that this kind of plugin is on the images feed. But it seems to me that my version is more concise and more pythonic

p.s.s. It should also be understood that uses the ffmpeg pipe to "glue" streams ... Therefore, watching video, for example, in MuxedHLSStream (any youtube VOD) is not recommended ... Your tuner simply does not have enough hardware resources for such ... Try to use this plugin only for HLS Live!